The Diva Herself, Anna Russell

Take one part opera star, add a comic genius, throw in some of the cleverest twists on operatic and other styles of music and lyrics, and shake them until they jell. Dump it out on the table and knead it into shape and you have Anna Russell.

Although her recordings were made more than 30 years ago, some very nice people have managed to keep the master tapes from disintegration. Over the past several years, at least three of her albums, or collections, have been released on CD.

Anna Russell Sings

Anna Russell Again?

Anna Russell Encore

I have included two of her shorter songs as excerpts. Most of her pieces run between 14 and 20 minutes (what was the entire side of an old LP).

Miserable   3:07 (2.8 MB)            Noisy   2:06 (1.9 MB)

Please run out to Tower Records, Virgin or Blockbuster Music and buy/order Anna Russell CDs.