Funny Stuff from the Gool Old US of A

I am always on the lookout for off-the-wall and funny audio stuff. Here are a couple pieces that can be found on various Dr. Demento collections and other Rhino audios. Please go buy them so they don't come after me for having them on this site.

Peter the Meter Reader

No cover, just a great song by a clever lady. This one can be found in several places, most notably Dr. Demento's 25th Anniversary Collection (a 2-CD set) available from Rhino and through major music stores.

Here's Groucho

Some of Groucho's solo songs (what? You didn't know he sang? What about Lydia, The Tattooed Lady?) plus a couple with Danny Kaye, Jimmy Durante, Jane Wyman, and 4 Hits and a Miss.


Only The Truth is Funny

Rick Reynolds use to be a standup comedian. He was very funny. Then, he took some time off and put together a one-man show dealing with his youth and growing up in Portland, Oregon. He became even funnier. This is a special audio recording of that show. I believe that Showtime (or maybe HBO) recorded the live show. They put it on every once in awhile.

All Grown Up and Nowhere to Go

This is Rick's second one-man show, also about himself. This one covers his adult life, marriage, and kids.

I have always thought that the best and funniest comedians and monologists were those who are intelligent and talk about the things they know.

This is intelligent material by the guy who knows it best.

Something else you should go out to get is Stan Freberg's
History of The United States, Volumes 1 & 2.