Robert Rankin: King of All Sprouts

Robert Rankin is an author specializing in stories taking place in and around the Brentford Triangle area outside of London. That, in no way, seems compelling to me, even through I wrote it hoping that it would intrigue you. Let's just say that besides outer space, inner Earth, strange planets, Hollywood, and other locales, many of his stories feature locations in and around Brentford. Not much better, but it is accurate.

There is almost no way to categorize his works except to say that he appears to hold nothing sacred, except the sprout (that's as in Brussels sprout to us Americans) which appears in every book by way of tradition, an old charter, or something.

Many of his best characters appear in some form or another in almost every book. Some pop up for no apparent reason, and Rankin is quick to point such lapses in good judgment or authorship out to the reader. He likes these characters, and so do I.

His books are a joy to read. Unfortunately, I have only ever seen ARMAGEDDON, THE MUSICAL available from a U.S. publisher. But, never fear... just use either or The Internet Bookshop UKto place orders. Just use their search engines to locate RANKIN, ROBERT. Both allow on-line ordering with a credit card. Both get you the books in as fast as three days, but generally in a week or so. Their prices are listed in British £ (pounds Sterling) but you can compute the US costs by using this simple £ to $ calculator:

By the way, check out the official Robert Rankin fan club, SPROUT LORE.

Robert Rankin Books and Series

The first five books feature John Omally and Jim Pooley and all the other denizens of The Flying Swan.

First of the Brentford Trilogy
(Published in 1981)

Second book in the trilogy
(Published in 1982)

Third in the trilogy
(Published in 1988)

The came a fourth book
(Published in 1994)

And number five
(Published in 1998)

First of three "Armageddon"
books, featuring Elvis and Barry the time Sprout

Rex Mundi continues the battle against Dalai Dan, the Antichrist

Finale(?) to the
Armageddon Saga

And, coming to this page soon...
Robert's newest book:
"Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of The Apocalypse"

All covers are and remain the copyright of the artist or artists who originally gave them life. Unless, that is, some publisher paid them a few pounds more to buy the rights away. I have not obtained permission to replicate them, but hope that these fine individuals and international conglomerates recognize that I am just trying to help promote interest (and sales) in their books