Douglas Adams (and a bit of Terry Jones, too)

Douglas Adams was the genius who brought the world The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, in all of its incarnations, flavors and editions. He was also the author of a few other books, a couple of Dr. Who multi-episode shows (he was the script editor for awhile during the Tom Baker years) and now is the head of a company who have released a fantastic interactive game called Starship Titanic.

Most unfortunately, and for a multitude of reasons, he passed away in 2001. His genius will be missed by his fans; his presence will be missed by his family and friends.

Douglas's final book "THE SALMON OF DOUBT" (including the start of the third book in a Dirk Gently trilogy), along with other of his writings, speeches and random jottings was published in mid 2002. I have it, have read it, and enjoyed about 95% of it. Pick it up if you are a DA fan.

Below are his Hitchhiker's books. I have another page with the non-Hitchhiker's Guide books, found here.

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy books

A US paperback cover

This is the original...sort of.

First came the BBC radio series. Then, Adams wrote this book, except somewhere in all of this there was a second BBC radio series.

Although there are a lot of parallels between this book and the radio and TV series (oh, did I forget to mention that somewhere in between all this and the second book there was a TV series that is sort of the same but sort of different?) it is a good, standalone story.


A US hardbound cover

The story continues...

Now that Arthur and Ford are teamed up with Trillian and Zaphod, and have braved problems with reality (and being thrown into the vacuum of space by a very bad poet) they can get on with the really important things, like having a bite to eat at Milliways.

And watching the universe explode for their dining pleasure.

And stealing a pure black spaceship about to dive into a sun...


A British paperback cover

And continues...

This is the final volume in the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy. Or it was suppose to be.

Now the plot almost entirely diverges from anything presented on TV or the BBC.

Arthur continues to try to find out the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. Of course, we know that the answer is 42.


A US hardbound cover

Arthur is finally back in the Earth (mark II) and has fallen in love. He has also arrived back sitting on an old sofa and landing in the middle of Lords Cricket Pitch (for those of you who don't understand the game of Cricket, the "pitch" is not the throwing of the ball—that's the "bowl"—it is the actual field the game is played upon) during an important Test Match (you had to be there...)

This story involves Arthur, his new love, the game of cricket, the Planet of Cr'kt, and a bunch of robots who hate everybody.

A US hardbound cover

After a hiatus of almost 7 years, Adams returned to the Hitchhiker's saga to try to draw together some of the final loose ends.

As you know, "mostly harmless"' refers to entry about the Earth in the actual Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the wholly remarkable book from the great publishing houses of Ursa Minor. Not the first book in this series which is about...forget it. You had to be there.


Now, there are other books about T.H.H.G.T.T.G. that you might like to read. They can be found here:

All covesr are and remain the copyright of the artist or artists who originally gave them life. Unless, that is, some publisher paid them a few pounds more to buy the rights away. I have not obtained permission to replicate them, but hope that these fine individuals and international conglomerates recognize that I am just trying to help promote interest (and sales) in their books